Mouthguards For Children: Types, Functions, Pros, and Cons
Jan 01, 2022
Accidents or trauma to kids’ faces during sports or other physical activities is one of the leading causes of dental emergencies. A direct blow to the face in an accident or sports activity might cause broken teeth, injuries to the lips, tongue, cheeks, and jaw. Another medical problem, bruxism, is the unconscious clenching and grinding of the teeth and jaws while sleeping. It causes dental problems for children. These situations described above can lead to chipped, cracked, or even broken teeth. However, you can avoid these situations when your children use mouthguards.
Mouthguards, also known as mouth protectors, are dental prosthetic devices that cover and protect the organs of the mouth from trauma caused by bruxism, accidents, sports, or work-related injuries. Mouthguards as sports equipment help cushion a blow thrown to the face during an accident or a sporting activity, thereby minimizing damage. Mouthguards also help to protect the teeth from the undue pressure exerted during night bruxism. They also protect the jaws, tongue, lips, gums, and face.
Functions Of Mouthguards In Children During Physical Activities
- They help to protect the soft tissues of the mouth. Dental mouthguards near you do not only protect the teeth from damage but also act as a cushion between the teeth and soft lip and cheek tissues to prevent damage against direct blows to the face.
- Mouthguards help to prevent tooth fractures. When playing contact sports such as boxing, rugby, etc., there are high chances of taking a direct blow to the face. However, the presence of a mouthguard helps to distribute impacted force throughout the mouth, minimizing the possibilities of injury.
- Mouthguards help to safeguard your mandible. When your lower jaw is idle, it rests at an unsupported angle and can be easily injured by the slightest impact. However, mouthguards support the lower jaw and minimize the risks of damaging or fracturing the jawbone in case of shock.
- Mouthguards protect your children from concussions. With a mouthguard in your mouth, the impact from trauma is evenly distributed in the mandible reducing the effects on the skull, thereby eliminating the risks of concussion.
Functions Of Mouthguard For Sleeping
- Tooth Grinding: Mouthguards for bruxism are primarily made for people who grind their teeth while asleep. Frequent grinding and clenching of the teeth wear the teeth down. Kids are affected mainly by teeth grinding which is why you should get your kids mouthguards in Bloomfield, CT.
- Sleep Apnea: This is a serious sleep disorder in which your breathing repeatedly stops. Nightguards can help to keep your airway open throughout the night by pushing the tongue and the lower jaw.
- Snoring: Mouthguards can help control intense snoring by shifting the lower jaw forward, keeping the airway open, and ensuring continuous breathing.
Types Of Mouthguards
There are three types of mouthguards. These include:
- Custom-fitted mouthguard: This type of mouthguard is specially crafted for your kid by a pediatric dentist near you. Due to the processes involved in the production, it might be a bit more expensive than other types of mouthguards. However, it is the most comfortable, and it gives extra protection.
- Stock mouthguard: This type of mouthguard comes readily made from your dentist or a sporting store near you. It is not as expensive as other mouthguards; however, it might not fit and offer little or no protection.
- Boil and bite mouthguard: This is an advanced option of stock mouthguards. They are made of thermoplastic material heated in water and can be expanded to fit your jaw. It can be fit in the mouth as desired using the fingers or tongue. It offers a better fit than the stock mouthguard.
Importance Of Mouthguards In Sports
- They help to protect your kids from concussions.
- They help to protect your kids’ teeth from direct impact.
- They prevent injury to the teeth, jaws, tongue, and cheeks.
- They give players confidence as they play without worry, knowing they are protected.
- They reduce the severity of the injury.
Pros And Cons Of Mouthguards
- They guard the teeth against damage.
- They get rid of headaches.
- They promote a good night’s sleep.
- They prevent tooth and jaw pain.
- They reduce the severity of damage to the teeth from trauma.
- Mouthguards take time to get used to.
- Some mouthguards are not built to last.
- Some patients can get addicted to mouthguards.
- Some mouthguards fit poorly.
Please reach out to us at Bloomfield Pediatric Dentistry if you want durable mouthguards for your kids.